Work at Home Agents Benefits
Tech companies nowadays are open to work-from-home culture for their agents as it benefits both employers and their employees. The benefits, such as increased cost efficiency, reduced attrition, business continuity, and disaster recovery management to name a few, are so convincing that the home-based models are becoming the most viable contingency plans for many companies. Within these benefits also lies a valuable outcome.

Simple Principle
Real motivation for deploying and managing the at-home agent: improved agent satisfaction leads to increased customer satisfaction which results in improved customer loyalty. There are several positive benefits to adding home workers which include:
Wider recruitment opportunities
Higher agent retention
Improved employee morale
Lower operating costs
Improved business continuity coverage
Reduce carbon footprint
These benefits are only possible with Cloud Contact center systems that provide remote agents with a rich telephony and desktop environment utilizing standard web-based services. Systems with these characteristics are easy to deploy and use, and are coupled with a management infrastructure that enables remote supervisory control.
Work At Home Agents Solution
KruptoConnect provides a complete cloud contact center solution with an omnichannel web-based agent environment. This includes robust supervisory controls for agent assistance and training support which increases productivity.

Easy Access
Home or remote agents only need access to the internet and a computer to deliver support. A pure Web-based Solution makes it easy to get them up and running instantly.

Present Anytime
Contact Center supervisors don’t need to be physically present to effectively manage their agents. They can listen in on calls, observe an agent’s screen and even take over customer interaction if needed.

Agents Everywhere
KruptoConnect runs on the AWS IP platform which answers over 1 billion calls and SMS messages per year. KruptoConnect geo-distributed architecture allows agents to be located anywhere in the world.